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Paris Papers (2011-2015)

Mise à jour  : 18/08/2016 - Direction : IRSEM

Equivalents anglophones des Cahiers, les Paris Papers présentent des contributions originales.

Paris Paper n°14

Interfaith dialogue in Indonesia: from the revival of tradition to its international projection

Delphine ALLES

 Paris Paper n°13

Pakistan’s strategic paradigm: escaping the complexities of the religious factor.


Paris Paper n°12

Transatlantic perspectives on China’s military modernization :
The case of Europe’s arms embargo against the People’s Republic of China


Paris Paper n°11

Researching the Impossible? Assessing different ways of EU influence on U.S. policies


Paris Paper n°10

French adaptation strategies for arms export controls since the 1990s


Paris Papers n°9

Germany and War : Understanding Strategic Culture under the Merkel Government

Sophia Becker

Synthèse   Etude

Mots clés : Allemagne, culture stratégique, défense

Paris Paper n°8 

War narratives in a world of global information Age : France and the war in Afghanistan

Barbara Jankowski

Synthèse - Présentation

Mots-clés : opinion publique, guerre, Afghanistan

Paris Paper n°7 - 2012 

Shielding the state : UAE military efforts to Counter Iran's disruptive options in the Gulf.

Synthèse - Présentation

Victor Gervais

Mots-clés : UAE, IRAN, Golfe Persique

Paris Paper n°6 - 2012 

Defence and security industry: Which security industry are you speaking about?

Vincent Boulanin


Mots clés : industrie de défense

Paris Paper n°5 - 2012

Strategic and tactical uses of ethnicity. Insights from the Azerbaijani question in Iran.

Gilles Riaux


Mots-clés : ethnicité, Iran, Azeris, Aerbaïdjan, minorités ethniques

Paris Paper n°4 - 2012

Thinking strategically about sanctions : a research agenda

Olivier Schmitt


Mots-clés : analyse stratégique, sanctions, système international


Paris Paper n°3- 2011

The European Union in Colombia: Learning how to be a peace actor



Mots-clés : UE, Colombie, tiers stratégique

Paris Paper n°2- 2011

Now or never : the way to a credible European Defense

Maya Kandel, Jean-Paul Perruche

Mots-clés : UE, défense européenne, OTAN


Paris Paper n°1

Pakistan : Coercion and Capital in an "Insecurity State"

Amélie Blom

Mots -clés : Pakistan, terrorisme, contre-insurrection

Droits : IRSEM