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Conference on "The Future of EU/NATO relations", 2 July 2018

Mise à jour  : 19/07/2018 - Direction : IRSEM

L’IRSEM et le NATO Defence College ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence sur le thème "The Future of EU/NATO relations" le lundi 2 juillet 2018 de 9h00 à 18h00. L’évènement se déroulera en anglais.


Ever since the launch of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, the question of the relations between NATO and the EU is at the core of the debate on European defence. Given their large overlap in membership, cooperation between both organisations has often been seen as a natural development. In 2003, the so-called “Berlin Plus” arrangements allowed the EU to make use of NATO assets and capabilities for EU-led military operations. More recently, in July 2016, the Presidents of the European Council and the Commission as well the NATO Secretary General signed a Joint Declaration aimed at strengthening coordinated action between both organisations. However, in practice, EU-NATO cooperation has often been hindered by factors such as the Atlanticist-Europeanist divide or tensions between Turkey and Cyprus. Over the last couple of years, transatlantic relations have been tested by the election of Donald Trump, and the Brexit referendum has initiated the departure of one of the EU’s most pro-NATO member-states. In addition, recent EU defence cooperation initiatives such as the European Defence Fund proposed by the European Commission and the Permanent Structured Cooperation, launched by 25 member states, have revived fears of inter-organisational duplication and rivalry, as well as anxiety among non-EU NATO member states.

This Conference seeks to foster the debate on recent and future developments of EU-NATO relations by exploring practical interactions on the ground as well as broader political issues. 


Program :


9:00-9:10 Introduction: Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer (Director of IRSEM)


9:10-9:45 Keynote speech: Jolyon Howorth (Harvard University)


9:45-11:00 Panel 1: Conceptualisation of EU-NATO relations

  • Simon Smith (Staffordshire University)
  • Terhi Suominen (NDC)
  • Kamil Zwolski (University of Southampton)


11h15-12h30 Panel 2: EU-NATO cooperation

  • Marta Kepe (RAND Europe)
  • Chantal Lavallée (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • Vira Ratsiborynska (NDC)


14:00-15:15 Panel 3: EU and NATO facing the "East-South" dilemma

  • Pierre Haroche (IRSEM)
  • Ronja Kempin (SWP)
  • Kristi Raik (Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn)
  • Marcin Terlikowski (PISM)


15:15-16:30 Panel 4: Future prospects of EU-NATO relations

  • Sante Fiorellini (College of Europe [alumnus])
  • Daniel Fiott (EUISS)
  • Laurent Borzillo (Universités de Montréal et de Montpellier) & Dominika Kunertova (Université de Montréal)


16:45-17:30 Debate

  • Ruben Diaz Plaja (Senior Policy Advisor, Policy Planning Unit, Office of the NATO Secretary-General)
  • Gabor Iklody (Director of Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, EEAS)
  • Olivier Sueur (Head of UN, EU and NATO Policy Division, French Ministry for the Armed Forces)


17:30-17:45 Conclusion: Thierry Tardy (Head of the NDC Research Division)



École militaire
(salle après inscription)
Lundi 2 juillet 2018
9h00 à 18h00




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Droits : IRSEM