Accueil | IRSEM | page d'accueil | Nos évènements | Conference the 24 November 2017: France and Poland: Facing the Evolutions of the Security Environment IRSEM ... Nos évènements | Conference the 24 November 2017: France and Poland: Facing the Evolutions of the Security Environment

Conference the 24 November 2017: France and Poland: Facing the Evolutions of the Security Environment

Mise à jour  : 20/02/2018 - Direction : IRSEM

The objective of this conference is to confront the Polish and French academic approaches on the evolution of the security environment. It follows on from the first seminar held in Warsaw in May 2014, at the Warsaw University. Since then, new events have led to a complete reconsideration of the analysis of the previous session: electoral changes in France and Poland, NATO summit in Warsaw in July 2016 and decision to deploy NATO battalions in the Baltic countries and Poland, election of Donald Trump and his declarations on the transatlantic link, Brexit and finally the revival of European Defense through the creation of a European Defense Fund in June 2017 at the initiative of the European Commission.



La conférence se tiendra en anglais

Program of the 24 November 2017



9.00 : welcoming coffee (Moore)


9.30 : Introduction by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, IRSEM director


9.45 to 10.45 : Crossed Perspectives on Security Threats in France and Poland (Perceptions croisées des menaces à la sécurité en France et en Pologne)

Polish speaker : Prof. Justyna Zając, Institute of International Relations of the Warsaw University

French speaker : CV Luc Pagès, EMA

Chair : COL Olivier Passot, IRSEM


10.45 to 11. 00  : Coffee break


11.00 to 12.00 : NATO and the Transatlantic Link (L’OTAN et le lien transatlantique)

Polish speaker : Dr. Marek Madej, Institute of International Relations of the Warsaw University

French speaker : Dr. Amélie Zima, CNRS (EHESS-IRSEM)

Chair : LCL Arnaud Planiol, IRSEM


12.30 to 14.00 : lunch


14.00 to 15.00 : The European Union at the Crossroads (l’Union européenne à la croisée des Chemins)

Polish speaker : Dr. Pawel Olszewski, Institute of Political Science of the Polish Academy of Science

French speaker : Dr Pierre Haroche, IRSEM

Chair : Dr Adrien Fauve, University Paris-Sud


15.00 to 16.00 : Relations Between Armed Forces and Societies (Les relations armées société en France et en Pologne)

Polish speaker : Dr. Marćin  Śinczuch, Department of Social Analysis of the Military Center for Civic Education

French speaker : Barbara Jankowski, Researcher, IRSEM

Chair : Dr. Anne Muxel, CNRS - IRSEM


16.00 to 16.30 : Conclusion




 Download the poster (pdf)


École militaire
Moore Amphitheatre

Friday, 24 november 2017
9:00 - 16:30






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Droits : IRSEM