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Colloque "Five Years of Xi Jinping" du 8 Juin 2017

Mise à jour  : 10/06/2017 - Direction : IRSEM

In the fall of 2017, like every five years, the XIXth national congress of the Chinese Communist Party will renew the Chinese leadership. Now is the time to assess the first mandate of President Xi Jinping, who, in the past five years, has concentrated political power to a level unseen since the Mao Zedong era. Xi Jinping has been particularly proactive in the realms of foreign affairs and national security, to the extent of dramatically changing the geopolitical situation.



Le colloque se tiendra quelques mois avant le 19ème congrès du parti communiste chinois qui, à l’automne 2017 comme tous les cinq ans, renouvellera les têtes du gouvernement chinois. Il est l’heure de faire le bilan du premier mandat présidentiel de Xi Jinping, qui a vu une concentration du pouvoir politique chinois inédite depuis l’époque de Mao Zedong. Xi Jinping a notamment fait preuve d’un activisme dans le domaine des affaires étrangères et de la sécurité nationale qui a véritablement changé la donne géopolitique dans les cinq dernières années.

L’objectif du colloque est triple :

- dresser un bilan critique du fonctionnement de l’Etat chinois après cinq ans de renforcement des aspects les plus autoritaires du parti-Etat;
- circonscrire la place que la Chine a prise dans un monde devenu éminemment instable pendant les cinq dernières années ;
- favoriser la discussion, à un niveau européen, de la recherche en sciences sociales sur la Chine contemporaine, notamment dans ses aspects « défense ».



Le colloque se tiendra en anglais

In the fall of 2017, like every five years, the XIXth national congress of the Chinese Communist Party will renew the Chinese leadership. Now is the time to assess the first mandate of President Xi Jinping, who, in the past five years, has concentrated political power to a level unseen since the Mao Zedong era. Xi Jinping has been particularly proactive in the realms of foreign affairs and national security, to the extent of dramatically changing the geopolitical situation.

The conference will do three things:

- critically assess the governance mechanisms of the Chinese state after five years of political centralization
- circumscribe the place that China occupies in an increasingly unstable world
- foster debate, at the European level, in the social science field of research on contemporary China, with a focus on security issues.


Programme de la journée :


Jeudi 8 juin 2017


09h00 Introduction : Juliette GENEVAZ, China research fellow, IRSEM

09h15 Panel 1 : Domestic politics

    Chair : Jean-Louis ROCCA,  
    Professor, Centre de Recherches Internationales, Sciences Po

Presentations :

- Jérôme DOYON,
Associate Fellow, European Council of Foreign Affairs, «The Party under Xi: evolution of the cadre system»

- Genia KOSTKA,
Professor, Freie Universität, «central-local relations: recentralization and environmental governance in China»

10h45 Pause-café

11h00 Panel 2 : Security issues
    Chair : Corentin BRUSTLEIN,
    Reseach fellow, coordinator of the Security studies center and head of the Deterrence and proliferation program, Institut français des relations internationales

Presentations :

Lecturer, King’s College London, «Xi China’s view of normative nuclear issues»

- Candice TRAN DAI,
Project manager of the cyberspace program, Asia centre, «cyber security»

12h30 Pause déjeuner


14h30 Panel 3 : Foreign policy

    Chair : Harold THIBAULT
    Journalist, Le Monde

Presentations :
- Rosemary FOOT,
Professor, University of Oxford, «How is China reshaping global order?»
- Gudrun WACKER,
Senior fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, «China’s new foreign and security policy activism»

16h00 Pause

16h15 Panel 4 : Terrorism
    Chair : Jean-François DI MEGLIO,  
    Director, Asia centre

Presentations :
Lecturer, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, «The Turkistan Islamic Party: the new opportunities (and constraints) of the Syrian conflict and their consequences on Uyghur jihadist networks»

- Raffaello PANTUCCI,
Director of international security studies, Royal United Service Institute, «Beijing’s counter-terrorism policy»

17h45 Clôture du colloque



École militaire
Amphithéâtre des Vallières
9h00 à 18h00

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