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Call for Papers: Conference on ‘The Future of EU/NATO relations’

Mise à jour  : 12/04/2018 - Direction : IRSEM

We invite both researchers and advanced research postgraduate students to submit abstracts for our Conference on ‘The Future of EU/NATO relations’, jointly organised by the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM, Paris) and the NATO Defence College.

The Conference will be held at the École Militaire in Paris, on 2 July 2018.


We invite both researchers and advanced research postgraduate students to submit abstracts for our Conference on ‘The Future of EU/NATO relations’, jointly organised by the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM, Paris) and the NATO Defence College. The Conference will be held at the École Militaire in Paris, on 2 July 2018.

Ever since the launch of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, the question of the relations between NATO and the EU is at the core of the debate on European defence. Given their large overlap in membership, cooperation between both organisations has often been seen as a natural development. In 2003, the so-called “Berlin Plus” arrangements allowed the EU to make use of NATO assets and capabilities for EU-led military operations. More recently, in July 2016, the Presidents of the European Council and the Commission as well the NATO Secretary General signed a Joint Declaration aimed at strengthening coordinated action between both organisations. However, in practice, EU-NATO cooperation has often been hindered by factors such as the Atlanticist-Europeanist divide or tensions between Turkey and Cyprus. Over the last couple of years, transatlantic relations have been tested by the election of Donald Trump, and the Brexit referendum has initiated the departure of one of the EU’s most pro-NATO member-states. In addition, recent EU defence cooperation initiatives such as the European Defence Fund proposed by the European Commission and the Permanent Structured Cooperation, launched by 25 member states, have revived fears of inter-organisational duplication and rivalry, as well as anxiety among non-EU NATO member states.

This Conference seeks to foster the debate on recent and future developments of EU-NATO relations by exploring practical interactions on the ground as well as broader political issues. In particular, we welcome empirical, theoretical or policy-oriented paper proposals from all disciplinary perspectives covering the following themes:

  • EU-NATO recent cooperation developments such as (but not limited to):
    • Cooperation between NATO Operation Sea Guardian and EUNAVFOR Operation Sophia in the Mediterranean
    • Cooperation to strengthen resilience to hybrid threats and disinformation campaigns
    • Cooperation on cyber security
    • Cooperation on military mobility
  • Conceptualisation of EU-NATO relations: what are the effects of inter-organisational overlaps? Are EU-NATO relations best understood in terms of division of labour, competition, complementarity in joint action…?
  • Issues affecting both organisations: for example, both the EU and NATO suffer from an “East-South dilemma”. Some member states prioritise crisis management in the Mediterranean and Africa, while others are focused on the Eastern flank and the Russian threat. How do both organisations react to this internal tension?  

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send the following information to the organisers Pierre Haroche ( and Guillaume Lasconjarias ( before 2 May 2018:

  1. Your contact details:
           a. Name
           b. Affiliation
           c. Email address
  2. An abstract of up to 250 words.
  3. A brief biographical note.

The organisers will bear the travel and accommodation costs of paper-givers who require it.

Please do not hesitate to contact the organisers should you have any questions.

Droits : IRSEM