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Operation Sangaris

Mise à jour  : 10/12/2013

On December 5th, 2013, the President of the French Republic announced his decision to reinforce the French military contingent in the Central African Republic to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the country.

“The Security Council has adopted a resolution, unanimously, which mandates an African force to provide security, to restore stability in the Central African Republic and to protect the population.

France will support this operation. It is its duty, its duty of assistance and solidarity towards a small country, the Central African Republic, very far from here, a friendly country, the poorest in the world. A country which is calling us for help.

Given the urgency, I have decided to act immediately, that is to say tonight, in coordination with the Africans and with the support of our European partners. Already, 600 French soldiers are on the spot. This number will double in the next few days, if not hours.

France has no other objective  than to save lives. I want all information to be given out. For this reason, the Government will provide full explanations in Parliament next week.

A year ago in Mali, France was called upon to fight against a terrorist invasion. She succeeded. Today, in very different circumstances, France is awaited to prevent a humanitarian disaster. She will be present.

I have full confidence in our soldiers to carry out this operation. I know their sense of duty, their great professional quality. This intervention will be fast, it is not meant to last. I am sure of its success.

This decision was preceded by the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 2127 which provides in particular for:

  • United Nations support to the African Standby Force, the MISCA, whose strength is expected to reach 4,000 men.
  • The support of this African force by French forces, with authorization to use force as necessary.

Sources : EMA
Droits : Ministère de la Défense