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Successful test firing for the M51 missile

Mise à jour  : 05/01/2016 - Direction : DICOD

On Wednesday 30 September 2015 at 10h28, the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) carried out a flight test of the M51 strategic ballistic missile from the DGA Missile Testing centre in Biscarrosse (South-West Coast of France).

On Wednesday 30 September 2015 at 10h28, the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) carried out a flight test of the M51 strategic ballistic missile from the DGA Missile Testing centre in Biscarrosse (South-West Coast of France). This firing falls in line with the development of the M51 new version that is one of the objectives of the 2014-2019 Military Planning Law (Loi de programmation militaire - LPM).

This test proceeded in accordance with the schedule and was performed, as usually, without any nuclear warhead. The missile was followed during all its flight by the assets of DGA Missile Testing centre, including the Mongetest and measurement ship (Bâtiment d’essais et de mesures). Its falling point was located in the North Atlantic at several hundred kilometres from any coast.

The M51 missile equips today two of the four new generation French nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SNLE-NG). The shift of the whole strategic oceanic force to this armament is planned before the end of this decade.
The Ministry of Defence congratulated the DGA and industry teams as well as the three armies and Gendarmerie units that contributed to the success of this development firing.

Sources : Ministère des Armées