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Welcome to the Owen family, both from Britain and Lille

Mise à jour  : 06/05/2013 - Auteur : AB - Direction : DICOD

Elisabeth Owen shares with us a day of her family’s life. Simon, the father, is lieutenant-colonel in the British Army, he is the military assistant of the Chief of Staff of the Rapid Reaction Corps. The children, Phoebe, Pippa and William go to a French school. Let us enter into the private life of a family in love with France.

The Community Support Centre of the RRC-FR

The CSC is aimed at informing and supporting the families of the French and allied military posted to the RRC-FR (420 personnel of the HQ, including 70 Belgians, Germans, Americans, British, Dutch, Italians Spanish, Turkish, Romanians and Greek).

Informing, when they arrive in the garrison, making a link with the institution on the occasion of a deployment, and all year long, informing on the rules and offers proposed to the military (social action of the armed forces, partnership with some companies…)

Supporting the French families in specific situations (a military deployed on operation, making a long-lasting training period…). The CSC makes administrative steps easier for allied families in their housing search, when they want to enrol their children for school or register a vehicle.

The CSC organises activities in order to create a social link between the families of all nationalities.

Let us not forget that each year, one third of the strength is renewed…Listening, helping, giving information is the winning trio of the CSC!

Translation : EMAT/OGRI/CCB

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Sources : Ministère des Armées
Droits : Armée de Terre 2013