Accueil | Opérations | Missions réalisées | Monde | Opération Pamir (2001-2014) | Actualités | 27/04/05: Discours du général Amarger Opérations ... Actualités | 27/04/05: Discours du général Amarger

27/04/05: Discours du général Amarger

Mise à jour  : 28/06/2010

Discours du général Amarger à l'occasion du transfert définitif de la formation d'état major par les instructeurs français à l'encadrement afghan

Your excellencies, generals, (ladies) and gentlemen

Nearly 14 months ago, the 14th of February 2004, I was standing at the very same place and on behalf of general BENTEGEAT, the French joint chief of staff, I was, for the opening ceremony of the Afghan CGSC, wishing the best to the new school.

The challenge was great for the French Army and particularly for the Army staff college which I am in command of, to create from scratch a CGSC here in KABUL.

By the way, I learnt at this time, that such an organization has never existed in the whole history of Afghanistan.

The French Army officers who worked out the curriculum, the details of the schedule and the whole support devoted themselves entirely to the project.

They started with what they were used to in France and the 1st tactical exercises were, for example, copied from what we do in France with European terrain and enemy. From this starting point, they first translated everything in DARI, then started to build up new tactical scenarii adapted to Afghanistan terrain and local environnement. They were helped in this process by first rate local interpreters and superb Afghan officers.

Gradually, not only the course was adapted to the needs of the Afghan National Army, but a core of Afghan officers capable of taking the lead in the teaching was trained.

Today is therefore the result of 18 months of work in preparing and executing the mission of building up an Afghan CGSC. This ceremony marks not only the success of the commitment of French Army officers, NCO,s and soldiers to the mission but also the capability of the Afghan Army to take over and continue the task on its own.

France's support to the Afghan Nation building will not however stop here. We will still pursue our assistance to the Afghan CGSC by providing advices and general support and also expertise to various areas needed by the AFGHAN NATIONAL ARMY through specialized training teams.

I will not conclude without thanking our coalition allies for they total support and finally, I express my deep gratitude to the Afghan authorities who made everything possible.

Best wishes to the Afghan CGSC, to the Aghan National Army and to Afghanistan

Sources : État-major des armées
Droits : Copyright Ministère de la Défense