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Press release of the French Navy

Mise à jour  : 22/02/2022
  • From February to July 2022, France deploys the  JEANNE D’ARC group from The Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, via the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Guinea and the Caribbean.
  • This strategic deployment marks the end of the training course for cadet officers at the French Naval Academy.
  • This year, 640 sailors, including 160 cadet officers, as well as an embedded tactical group (GTE) of the French Army embark on Landing helicopter dock (LHD) Mistral and La Fayette-class frigate (FLF) Courbet..

The press kit is available here.

During this ‘’far away, for a long time’’ deployment, the cadet officers will be led to understand the challenges of operational preparation, to develop the skills essential to their career as naval officers, to demonstate an ability to adapt in order to be able to operate in different environments and to improve their knowledge of the regions they visit.


Engaged in areas of strategic interest, Mission JEANNE D’ARC 2022 aims to ensure France’s autonomous situation assessment capability, thanks to the deployment of first-rate military resources, thus making it possible to anticipate the occurrence of crises.

Mission JEANNE D’ARC 2022 is an opportunity for deployed French Navy and Army units to carry out joint and combined exercises and, when appropriate, ad-hoc military operations.